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02 4862 3744 | 1300 133 215

02 4862 3744 | 1300 133 215

Imagine walking into your favourite shopping mall, where the sleek glass panels catch your eye, or glancing at the eye-catching artwork adorning your living room walls. Have you ever thought about what holds these elements in place, blending seamlessly into the background yet so crucial to the aesthetic and functionality of the space? 

Enter the world of stainless steel standoffs – though small, they play a significant role in our homes, offices, and public spaces.

They are made from high-quality stainless steel. However, like all good things, your standoffs also need a bit of care to keep performing at their best.

Let’s learn how to keep them in top shape. 

What Are Stainless Steel Standoffs?

Stainless steel standoffs are small but mighty fixtures or fasteners. They are primarily used to create a space between two objects. Typically, you can use stainless steel standoffs to position an object to enhance its visual appeal – that’s what makes them indispensable in displaying signs, notices, and artwork. Stainless steel standoffs have a visual appeal all of their own and excellent resistance to rust and wear. 

8 Maintenance Tips for Stainless Steel Standoffs

Stainless steel standoffs are preferred for their quality and longevity but they can last even longer with proper care and maintenance. Here’s what you can do to keep them going for years.

1. Regular Cleaning

Like your car, stainless steel standoffs need regular cleaning. Without regular cleaning, dirt, dust, and grime can erode their surface, causing the standoffs to lose their visual appeal.

Gently wipe the standoffs with a soft cloth or a feather duster. For deeper cleaning, use warm water and mild dish soap. After cleaning, rinse them well and dry them with a clean cloth to prevent water spots. 

2. Use Appropriate Cleaning Agents

Be careful when cleaning the stainless steel standoffs. If you use the wrong cleaning agents, the standoffs may suffer irreparable damage. Avoid abrasive materials like steel wool because they can scratch and erode the standoffs.

Stainless steel standoffs are also one of those things you should never clean with bleach. It may cause permanent damage to your standoffs. Instead, you can use pH-neutral cleaners.

Pro tip

If you don’t have a pH-neutral cleaner, use a solution of warm water and mild dish soap. This can clean your stainless steel standoffs without damaging their surface.

3. Use Proper Tools

Handle standoffs with care. Never use metallic brushes or rough cloths that can scratch the surface. Grab a non-abrasive sponge or a microfiber cloth from your kitchen to clean stainless steel standoffs. Scratches will mar their aesthetic appeal but more importantly, scratches can make them more susceptible to corrosion.

4. Prevent Rust

Remember the saying ‘prevention is better than cure!’

That perfectly applies to rust – prevention is the only way to stop it from ruining your standoffs. While stainless steel is resistant to corrosion, it’s not immune.

The best way to prevent rust is to keep the standoffs dry and clean. This can be quite a task, especially if you live near the sea or in areas with high pollution. You might need to clean and dry them more frequently.

But sometimes, like the weed in your garden, rust may appear despite all the necessary precautions. When it appears, gently scrub it using a specialised stainless steel cleaner and a soft cloth. If the problem persists, replace the rusty standoffs immediately. This will prevent the rust from damaging other standoffs. 

5. Polish Regularly

Periodic polishing helps stainless steel standoffs maintain their shiny look. You can use a good quality stainless steel polish, just follow the directions on the label. Remember to polish in the direction of the grain to avoid scratches. Besides maintaining the glossy look, polishing also protects against fingerprints and smudges. 

6. Add Protection

In addition to polishing, you can also use a rust inhibitor or a protective wax to extend the life of standoffs. These products create a barrier against moisture and pollutants. Waxing is an effective way to keep your stainless steel standoff brackets, pipes, and hexes from getting damaged, especially in harsh environments. 

7. Repair and Restore

Regularly check your stainless steel standoffs for signs of wear, like minor scratches or discoloured areas. Don’t worry. You can treat these issues just like a small scratch on your car.

First, gently buff out the scratch using a fine abrasive pad designed for stainless steel. Next, use a cleaner to wipe the affected area. Finally, polish this surface to restore its original appearance. You will need to replace it if the standoff is severely damaged. 

8. Seek Professional Help

You can easily take care of your stainless steel standoffs. But when you feel out of depth, call a professional for help. For example, if the standoffs hold an expensive artwork and you are unsure how to clean or replace them, call an expert immediately. They can help you do what’s necessary without damaging your artwork.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Often Should I Clean Stainless Steel Standoffs?

Clean them at least once a week. Use a soft cloth or feather duster for cleaning dust and grime. You may need to clean them twice a week if you live in a coastal or highly polluted area. 

Can I Use Household Cleaners on Stainless Steel Standoffs?

Technically, yes. While some household cleaners are safe, others can be too harsh. It’s better to stick to mild dish soap and warm water. Avoid anything with chlorine or other abrasive substances. 

What Should I Do If I Notice Rust on My Standoffs? 

First, check the damage. If it’s not extensive, use a stainless steel cleaner and a soft cloth to scrub the affected area. Rinse thoroughly and polish the affected area to restore its shiny look. Replace the stainless steel standoff if the damage is extensive. 

What Environmental Conditions Can Affect My Stainless Steel Standoffs?

High humidity, saltwater exposure, and pollution can cause stainless steel standoff to deteriorate faster. Clean the standoffs more regularly if you live in such conditions. 

When Should I Replace My Stainless Steel Standoffs?

Replace your standoffs if they suffer deep scratches, extensive corrosion, or structural weakness. Regular inspection helps in identifying these signs before it’s too late.

Find Long-Lasting Stainless Steel Standoffs for Your Next Project

The next time you decide to clean your sign, glass panel, or artwork, pay attention to the stainless steel standoffs holding it together. They, too, need regular care and maintenance. Remember, every little care you give your standoffs adds a day to their life.

And as far as buying high-quality stainless steel standoffs is concerned, look no further than FIX Systems Architectural. Whether you need replacements or new standoffs, we are here to help.

Get your stainless steel standoffs now!

We deliver standoff fixings to homeowners, designers, and commercial business owners across the world. Whether you’re in Australia or overseas, we have the architectural hardware to fit your needs.