02 4862 3744 | 1300 133 215

02 4862 3744 | 1300 133 215

02 4862 3744 | 1300 133 215

Navigating through life’s spaces can be daunting – whether it’s a bustling city centre or a sprawling shopping mall. Signage serves as our guide, making our journeys smoother and more intuitive. By communicating essential information effectively, good signage not only directs but also enhances our understanding and experience of a space. 

So what are the different types of signages? The common ones are regulatory, warning, directional and wayfinding, street, informational, safety, neon, digital, real estate, and accessibility signs. Each type is designed with a specific purpose in mind, tailored to meet the needs of the space it occupies and the people it serves. 

Most common types of signs

1. Regulatory signs

Regulatory signs are critical for managing traffic laws and local regulations. These signs have a direct impact on how traffic moves and are enforceable by law, making adherence not just important for safety but also a legal requirement.

  • Stop Sign (Octagonal Red Sign): Instructs drivers to come to a complete stop and proceed only when safe.
  • Speed Limit Signs: Display the maximum or minimum speed allowed, helping to regulate traffic speed to safe levels.
  • No Parking Signs: Indicate zones where parking is prohibited, often to ease traffic flow or ensure accessibility.

2. Warning signs

These signs alert you to possible dangers or changes in road conditions ahead. They’re designed to prepare drivers and pedestrians for necessary precautions, helping to prevent accidents and reduce the likelihood of traffic disruptions.

  • Curve Ahead: Warns of an upcoming curve so drivers can reduce speed accordingly.
  • School Zone: Indicates proximity to a school, alerting drivers to slow down and watch for children crossing the road.
  • Deer Crossing: Alerts drivers to areas where wildlife may unexpectedly cross, prompting slower speeds and increased vigilance.

3. Directional and wayfinding signs

Directional signs guide users towards destinations. These signs are essential for efficient movement through various settings, from roads to large buildings.

  • Highway Exit Signs: Offer information on upcoming exits, helping drivers prepare for turns and indicating the direction of cities or special attractions.
  • Hospital Directions: Guide visitors and patients through complex hospital corridors to departments, exits, or services.
  • Parking Signs: Direct drivers to parking areas, often indicating the route to follow for available parking.

4. Street signs

These are used for identifying road names and navigating cities or neighbourhoods. They are particularly crucial for first responders, delivery services, and visitors, helping them find specific locations without confusion.

  • Street Name Signs: These are typically mounted at intersections to indicate the names of the intersecting streets. They are often reflective for visibility at night.
  • Block Number Signs: Sometimes included on street signs, they help indicate the range of house numbers found along that street segment, assisting in more precise navigation.

5. Informational signs

Informational signs are indispensable tools that help clarify and organise our surroundings. They are designed to convey straightforward, necessary information to guide visitors and ensure smooth operations within various spaces, such as parks, institutions, or public squares. 

  • Maps and Directory Signs: Found in malls, parks, and large complexes, these signs help visitors understand their surroundings and locate stores, attractions, or facilities.
  • Hours of Operation Signs: Posted outside businesses or public facilities, these signs inform visitors about opening and closing times.
  • Wi-Fi Zone Signs: Indicate areas with available wireless internet, often seen in cafes, libraries, and public areas.

6. Safety signs

Safety signs are critical in maintaining the wellbeing of everyone in a workplace or public area. These signs serve as constant reminders of potential hazards and the precautions necessary to avoid accidents. They are particularly crucial in environments like construction sites, chemical plants, or manufacturing plants where risks are inherent.

  • Wet Floor Signs: Commonly seen in bathrooms, kitchens, and entryways, these signs alert people to slippery surfaces to prevent slips and falls.
  • Fire Safety Signs: Include directions to fire exits, fire extinguisher locations, and assembly points to enhance the effectiveness of emergency evacuations.
  • Chemical Hazard Signs: Used in areas where hazardous chemicals are stored or used, these signs inform about the nature of the chemical hazards and necessary safety precautions.

7. Neon signs

Neon signs, with their vivid illumination and charming allure, combine both form and function to draw attention. Historically popular in advertising and entertainment venues, these signs provide a retro aesthetic that captures the eye, making them effective for branding and promotional efforts. Beyond their commercial use, neon signs have become synonymous with urban nightlife and culture, marking the locations of diners, theatres, and bars.

  • Business Logos and Names: Often used by restaurants, bars, and nightclubs to attract attention and create a distinctive visual identity.
  • Open/Closed Signs: Common in storefront windows, these brightly lit signs indicate whether a business is open or closed, providing clear communication to potential customers.

8. Digital/electronic signs

Digital or electronic signs represent the modern evolution in signage technology, offering dynamic and versatile communication solutions. These signs are particularly effective in environments where information changes frequently, such as transportation hubs, retail settings, or public squares. They can display a variety of content, from news and weather updates to advertising and public service announcements. 

The ability to update content in real time is a significant advantage, allowing for immediate communication of essential information, like changes in scheduling, emergency alerts, or promotional offers. Digital signs often feature high-resolution displays and can be interactive, further engaging their audience and enhancing the communication experience.

  • Billboards: Used for advertising; these can show rotating advertisements from multiple advertisers.
  • Public Transport Timetables: Display real-time information at bus, train, or metro stations, showing arrival and departure times.
  • Information Kiosks: Found in shopping centres and tourist areas, providing interactive maps, directories, and event information.

9. Real estate signs

These signs need to be clear, informative, and attractively designed to catch the eye of potential buyers or tenants. Typically, they provide contact information, details about the property for sale or rent, and sometimes QR codes that direct to online listings for more comprehensive information. Real estate signs are not only practical tools for sales agents but also serve as first points of contact for prospective clients

  • For Sale Signs: Indicate that a property is available for purchase.
  • For Lease Signs: Used for properties available for rent or lease.
  • Construction Signs: Inform about upcoming developments and potential real estate opportunities.

10. Accessibility signs

Accessibility signs are essential for inclusive design, ensuring that environments are navigable and usable for all individuals, including those with disabilities. These signs often indicate facilities like wheelchair-accessible entrances, restrooms, and parking spaces, as well as features like tactile paving for the visually impaired. 

The design and placement of accessibility signs are governed by various laws and standards to ensure they are understandable and useful to those who rely on them. By providing clear and visible markers, accessibility signs play a vital role in promoting equal access and independence for everyone.

  • Wheelchair Access Signs: Indicate ramps, elevators, and accessible routes for wheelchair users.
  • Braille Signs: Found particularly in public buildings, offering navigation information in Braille for the visually impaired.
  • Accessible Toilet Signs: Mark restrooms that are equipped to accommodate individuals with disabilities.

Why many signages use standoff fixings

When it comes to the design and installation of signage, the choice of materials and methods can significantly impact the overall aesthetic and functionality. Standoff fixings have become a popular choice among designers and installers for several reasons, blending both practicality and visual appeal in a way that few other mounting options can.

Durability and Stability

Standoff fixings offer unparalleled durability, which is crucial for both indoor and outdoor signages. These fixings are typically made from robust materials like stainless steel or brass, which are not only resistant to corrosion but also provide strong support. 

Professional Aesthetic

The fixings create a noticeable gap between the signage and the wall, adding a layer of sophistication and depth that can elevate the overall presentation. This floating effect not only draws more attention to the sign but also enhances readability and impact, making it a favoured choice in settings where first impressions are crucial, such as corporate offices or business entrances.

Versatility in Design

Whether it’s directional signs, identification plates, or promotional displays, standoffs provide a consistent, unobtrusive means of support that does not detract from the design of the sign itself. They’re available in various sizes, colours, and finishes, allowing for customisation that can match any brand or decor style seamlessly.

Ease of Installation and Maintenance

Standoff fixings are straightforward to use. They require minimal tools and expertise, which allows for quick and efficient installation processes. This ease extends to maintenance as well; signs mounted with standoffs are easier to clean and update. For businesses that need to change their messaging or branding frequently, standoff fixings offer a practical solution that reduces both time and labour costs associated with updates.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an example of a signage system?

A signage system refers to a collection of signs that are designed to work together to provide information or directions within a defined area, such as a building complex or an urban environment. 

An example of a signage system is the wayfinding signs found in airports. These include directional signs, gate information, check-in counters, baggage claim indicators, and emergency exits, all designed with consistent visual elements to guide passengers smoothly through the facility.


What are the examples of permanent signage?

Permanent signage is designed to last and remain in place for a long time, often used for branding or providing unchanging information. Examples include:

  • Building signs: These are typically mounted on the exterior and include the name and logo of a business.
  • Monument signs: Freestanding signs at the entrance of corporate parks, residential areas, or business complexes.
  • Directional and informational signs: Installed in places like parks, campuses, and large institutions to aid navigation.
What is one of the most important types of signage?

One of the most important types of signage is safety signage. These signs are crucial for maintaining safety and compliance in any environment, particularly in places like industrial sites, construction zones, public areas, and workplaces. Safety signs provide warnings, instructions, and information that help prevent accidents and ensure that individuals are aware of potential hazards. 

Their designs are typically standardised, featuring specific colours and symbols that are instantly recognizable and universally understood, ensuring that the message is conveyed quickly and clearly, even from a distance. 


What sign should you use for your retail store?

For a retail store, branding and promotional signs are essential. An effective sign should prominently feature the store’s name and logo, be visually attractive, and convey the brand’s message or value proposition clearly. Consider illuminated signs for increased visibility at night or dimensional letters for a sophisticated look. It’s important to choose signs that are readable from a distance and resonate with the target audience.

How do museums hang artwork?

Museums often use standoff fixings to hang artwork to ensure that the pieces are securely mounted while providing an aesthetically pleasing display. Standoff fixings allow the artwork to appear as if it is floating away from the wall, which not only enhances the visual impact but also directs focus solely on the art itself. This method is particularly favoured for displaying contemporary pieces, acrylic paintings, and panel artwork, offering a clean and minimalistic presentation that complements the artistic expressions.

Create impactful signs with FIX standoff fixings

In the world of signage, the choices we make – from the materials to the mounting systems – play a crucial role in how information is communicated and perceived. Standoff fixings, in particular, offer a versatile and sophisticated solution. Whether it’s enhancing the professional ambiance of a corporate setting, ensuring the visibility of important safety information, or making an artistic statement in a gallery, standoff fixings provide a reliable and attractive means of displaying signage.

It’s time to choose FIX Standoff Fixings for your next project. Whether you’re designing for a retail store, an office, or an exhibition, our high-quality fixings ensure your signs look impeccable and professional. Contact us today to learn more about our products and how they can enhance your signage solutions.

We deliver standoff fixings to homeowners, designers, and commercial business owners across the world. Whether you’re in Australia or overseas, we have the architectural hardware to fit your needs.